Thursday, April 19, 2007

SQLCODE = -180 SQLSTATE= 22007

Bad data in Date/time/timestamp
String representation of DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP is invalid.

SQLCODE = -117

The number of values you are trying to INSERT does not match the number of

SQLCODE = -102

String constant is too long

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

DB2: How does DB2 store NULL physically?

as an extra-byte prefix to the column value.
The NULL prefix is Hex '00' if value other than NULL is present in the column.
The NULL prefix is Hex 'FF' if the column has NULL value.

Common abends

Timed out, try changing job class.

Load module not found. Check library specified in the joblib.

Insufficient authority. Check if you have required access to dataset.

Storage related problem. Check your linkage section table definition and FD section